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What did you do in the holidays?公开课教学设计

发表于 2022-9-20 08:34:39 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1 知识目标:能听懂、会说并认读单词 holiday, Beijing Opera, a little , difficult, went, place,enjoy,并能规范书写单词holiday,difficult,place。能听、说、认读并熟练运用句型:What did you do in the holidays?I learned Beijing Opera.谈论假期活动。




1.教学重点:能熟练运用句型: What did you do in the holidays? I learned Beijing Opera.谈论假期活动。


三、教学准备:卡片,PPT 课件等。


Step 1. Warm up

1.Magic eyes复习短语:swim in the sea、climb the hill、visit friends、see the sunrise等。(为后面练习做铺垫)

2.T:I visited my relatives in the holidays. What did you do in the holidays?引出新课并学习holiday,进行操练summer holiday,winter holiday,以及在句中练。

Step 2. Presentation

1.Watch and choose:

T: Look. They’re Li Ming, Wang Hong, Peter.What are they talking about?(ppt:They’re talking about _______.A. summer holidays B. winter holidays )

2.Listen and learn:

T: What did they do in the holidays? Now let’s ask them,“What did you do in the holidays?”(板书这个句子)

(1)Listen to picture 1and fill:

T: Look, this is Li Ming. Let’s ask him,“What did you do in the holidays?”(引导学生问,然后听录音填空。学习Beijing Opera,欣赏关于京剧的图片,欣赏视频并说:Beijing Opera is very famous.Was it fun?(再听一遍找出答案)Yes, but a little difficult.(练习a little,difficult)

(2)Listen to picture 2 and find.

T: What about Wang Hong? Let’s ask her,“What did you do in the holidays?”(引导学生问,然后听录音回答。)Look, this is Hainan. It’s a beautiful place.(学习place,并呈现图片练习。)

(3)Look and answer:

T: Wang Hong went to Hainan. Did she swim in the sea? Look!(圈出图中游泳的地方,找学生回答。)And she says,“I had a good time.”

(4)Read picture 3 and answer.

T:What about Peter? Let’s ask him,“What did you do in the holidays?”(引导学生问,然后自读第三段回答。出示问题答案后,解释took是take的过去式)

(5)Listen to Picture 3 and find:

T: Did Peter have a good time? How does Wang Hong ask? Let’s listen and find.(听后出示句子Did you enjoy your holidays?,学习并练习单词enjoy。渗透情感教育:Let’s enjoy our holidays.Let’s enjoy our life.)

Step 3 Text:

1.Look and fill.(就课文内容填空)

2.Listen and imitate

3.Read in roles and show.

Step 4 Practice:

T: Now we know their winter holidays.What about your holidays?

Pair work: -What did you do in the holidays?- I ...

         -Did you ......?- Yes, I did. I had a good time.

Step 5 Production:

Group work: Talk about the winter holidays and write it down.

1.T: Everyone had wonderful winter holidays. Look at mine.(ppt出示老师的假期)How were your holidays? Now talk about it in groups.

2.Write down the winter holidays.(T:OK.Now please write down your winter holidays.)

3.Share.(T: Who can share your holidays?)

Step 6 Summary

Retell the text:

In the winter holidays, Li Ming learned____________. Wang Hong _____ to Hainan. It’s a beautiful _______. She____ a good time. Peter _____ back to Canada. He _____ his friends and ______ many pictures. Peter_______ his holidays.

Step 7 Homework:

1.Listen and imitate the text there times.

2.Search the holidays in different countries.

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