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冀教版九年级下册英语《Lesson 7: Trading Poems》精品教案

发表于 2021-3-25 11:08:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lesson 7: Trading Poems
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: awake, riddle
Oral words and expressions: avenue
Teaching Aims:
1.Know more about the foreign culture.
2.Create the student’s cooperation ability.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the written style, letter.
2.Learn the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Write a letter with what we learn in this unit.   Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures   Type of lesson: new lesson
1.fall off: 跌落
  eg. The leaves fell off trees when autumn came.
2.catch up with: 赶上
   eg. You start first, and I will catch up with you.
3.do one’s best=try one’s best
  eg. You must do your best to catch up with others.
4.one by one: 一个接一个
类似用法 hand in hand 手拉手
          day after day 日复一日
eg. The students walked out of the classroom one by one.
Writing an e-mail to one of your friends, telling him or her your school sports meeting.
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Show the type of the letter. Let the students sum how to write a letter. Pay attention to the written style of the envelope.
Step2. Listening task
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.
1. _______ is a beautiful way to express thoughts and feelings.
2. Danny’s teacher says Danny’s always saying _______ things.
Let the students listen to the tape and finish the listening task in class in oral.
Step3. Read the text and answer the following questions:
Does Danny think it is hard to write a poem?  Did Li Ming write back to Danny?
Ask the students scan the text and answer the questions.
Step4. Practice
Write a letter to your friends about what we learn in this unit. The teacher encourages them to write a poem to their friend, too. It’s hard, so they can choose any topic that they like. They only write for friends. We don’t need to demand too much.
Step5. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.
Finish the task in groups of three or four students. In a small group, write a poem like the one in Li Ming’s postcard.  
1.First, choose a word your group like. They can choose any word that they like. Because the task is to begin a poem with the letters in this word, everyone can write a word on a piece of paper. Then they can choose one from these.
2.Use each letter in this word to begin a line of our poem. Everyone in the group can write different poem according to the word. Then they can exchange their poems and give advice to each other.
3.Make a poster to display your poems on the wall. It takes some time to design the poster.
4.Which one do you think is the best? Give your reasons.
Let the students choose the best poem that they like best and give their reasons in front of the class.
Step6. Homework
1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.
2.Go on the next reading in the student book.
The last poem that we learn in Li Ming’s postcard is very interesting. It is really like a riddle. Sum what we learn and write a poem like that. Encourage all of the students to write a poem by himself. Remember to make the poster. It is a souvenir of this unit.
Lesson8: Unit Review
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.
Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson7.
Teaching Aims:
1.Improve the students’ ability of using what we learn in this unit.
2,Stimulate the students’ mind of learning about Chinese and foreign poetry.
3.Know the differences between Chinese and foreign poetry.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Making suggestions.
2.Master the use of infinitives.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The use of infinitives.     Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures    Type of lesson: review lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1. Listen to some beautiful poems in Chinese or in English. Music usually creates atmosphere for the students.
If anyone can recite some English poems, the teacher can give them chances to recite in front of the class.
Step2. Do the exercises in Lesson8. At the same time, the teacher walks in the classroom and see if they have any trouble to solve.
Step3. Let the students write some difficulties on the blackboard. Then let’s try to solve them together.
The most important grammar is the infinitive. For example:
I haven’t decided what to write.
Li Ming has something important to do, so he can’t come to your party.
My wish is to go to space.
It’s not easy to walk against a strong wind.
Step4. Practice the spoken English.
Make a similar dialogue according to the Speaking the Language part. It’s how to make suggestions.
Ask the students work in pairs to make up dialogues like this. Then present it in front of the class.
Step5. Play “Story Game’.
Work in groups to finish the task. When the students play the game, the teacher walks around the classroom and see if any group needs help.
At last, ask each group presents their stories to the others in front of the class. Whose story is the funniest?
Grammar in Use
1. We often see LiMing _________ (carry) water for an old woman. How kind he is!
2. Jim is a little weak in math. He will do his best _________ (learn) it well this term.
3. All the spectators were ______ (excite) when they knew that Liu Xiang had won the gold medal.
4. I didn’t feel confident in my self. But my teacher told me that I _____(be) able to learn Spanish well.
5. “Fast” and “quick” have the similar ___________(mean).
Step6. Homework
1.Finish the exercises in activity book.
2.Preview the next lesson.
Poetry is an important part of culture. So it is useful to learn it well. This unit gives us opportunities to practice. Making suggestions is important, too. So let the students make dialogues to practice it. The teacher should pay attention to the infinitives in this unit. We should practice more in this class.
I. 请根据题中所给各种提示完成下列句子
A. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词
1. Probably you could write a d____________ of your best friend.
2. She e_________ surprise when I told her how much it was.
3. I was s_________ to hear that the Chinese Football Team got the first place.
4. When I arrived he had a________ gone.
5. Have you w________ to your American pen friend?
B. 根据汉语提示填写单词
6. Please speak _________(轻声). The baby is sleeping.
7. I seldom go to town because it’s two _________(吵杂).
8. She can _________(表达)herself in good clear English,
9. There is a _________(非常小的)country in Europe. There are only a few policemen in it.
10. When you write a poem about nature, you have to write different ________(景色).
II. 单项选择
1. I wish I _________ a big house.
     A. have  B. had  C. to have  D. having
2. The Bell Tower is _________ the middle of Xi’an.
     A. on  B. in  C. to  D. with
3. I like to eat grapes __________ seeds.
     A. for  B. without  C. no  D. of
4. There is great ________ between the two families.
     A. friend  B. friendly  C. friendship  D. friendless
5. In old Chinese poems, each line has _________ words.
     A. a number of       B. several
     C. a good number of   D. a set number of
6. We’ve decided __________ to France for our holidays.
     A. go  B. going  C. to go  D. went
7. Have you finished ________ the book?
     A. reading  B. read  C. to read  D. reads
8. Can you open the window? I ________ hot.
     A. sound  B. taste  C. smell  D. feel
9. The fall in the cost of living is directly related _______ the drop in the oil price.
     A. for  B. with  C. to  D. in
10. ________ is a book of ____________.
    A. Peotry; poem B. Peom; poetry  C. Peotry; poems  D. Peom; peotrirs
III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空
1. I can’t understand you. Please explain it to me ________(clear)
2. Haiku is _________(simple) what is happening in this place, at this moment.
3. Do you know how to _________(pronunciation) this word?
4. He felt very ________(sleep) after the long walk.
5. To write poems needs ________ (imagine).
IV. 用所给词组的适当形式填空
look like,    smell like,        sound like,      feel like,           taste like
   1. Mary ___________ Erin’s sister.
   2. They ___________carrots.
   3. She was playing something I don’t know. It ________ Beethoven.
   4. What’s this in my pocket? It _________ a nut.
   5. What’s it? It _________ a bad egg.

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