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冀教版九年级下册英语《Lesson 31: Peace at Last》精品教案

发表于 2021-3-25 12:48:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lesson 31: Peace at Last
Teaching Content:
Mastery words and expressions: at last, pity, angry, decision, fair, conversation, regret
There are no oral words and expressions in this lesson.
Teaching Aims:
Learn to love and care for the others.
Practice the students’ written English.
Teaching Important Points:
Talk about agreement and disagreement.
The object clause.
Teaching Difficult Points:
The object clause
Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Please don’t be angry.
【固定搭配】(1)表示“对某人生气”,用于be angry with/at   
例如:the teacher got angry with/at me
(2)表示“对某事物生气”,用于be angry at/about
例如:he was rather angry at what you said.
He was angry with me for not having done anything.
An angry crowd/look
(2)be angry之后可接不定式或从句。例如:
He will be angry to find that nothing has been done.
He was angry that the door was locked.
1,v,“惋惜,懊悔,遗憾”,指对于已发生或不愿意发生的事情在心里产生一种伤感或抱歉之情,但已经没有挽回的余地。例如:He regret spending so much moneny on a car.
I regret to tell you a bad news.
I regret telling you the bad news.
I regret that you missed the chance.
My only regret is that I couldn’t do more for you.
Step1.Lead in the text by discussing the following question:
What should you do if you have trouble with your friend?
Finish the task in groups of three or more. Let’s see how they solve their problems. Many students may write a diary. Others tell his or her trouble to his friend or teacher.
Tell the students: when you meet trouble, find some effective and fast ways to help yourselves out. Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
Who has trouble with the basketball game, Li Ming or Danny?
2. Did Li Ming go to the basketball game at last?
What is Danny going to deal with the money problem?
Finish the task in class in oral.
Step3. Read the text and then tell the others what Li Ming’s trouble is. Do you think how to solve it?
Is Li Ming right or wrong? Tell the class the reasons.
Step4. Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.
Li Ming has been invited to a party on Friday evening.
Li Ming’s friend was angry because Li Ming missed the game.
Brian wrote a letter to Danny and told him he didn’t want the ten dollars any more.
Finish the task in class in oral.
Step5. Find out the sentences with the news and practice them in class.
After I missed the game, my friend was very angry.
What a pity.
She said that the decision was mine.
It wouldn’t be fair for me to go to the game.
Jenny said we should have a conversation.
I regret what I did.
Let the students make up sentences with the words and expressions that we learn in this lesson. Show some flashcards to help them.
S1. Don’t be angry with me.
S2: It is necessary for us to have a conversation with my mother.
S3: His sister regrets doing that.
Step6. Group work
Divide the class into groups of three or four. Write experience that you have had. Then share it with your members. Tell who is right in the story. What should we do to solve the problem correctly?
Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT’.
Finish the task in groups. Write a diary entry, an e-mail or a letter about the topic below.
Have you or anyone in your family experienced war before? What is war like?
If they have no experience, they can describe a war that they have heard before.
After they write their experience down, share them in the group. Then choose a special to give a report in front of the class.
Step8. Homework
Finish off the exercises in activity book.
Go on the next reading in the student book.
We all have a fight with our friends. Write your experience down and share with your classmates. You may think it’s funny for to do such a thing at that time. It will help you to analyze yourself.

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