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仁爱版八年级上册Unit 1 Topic3 Section B教案教学反思教学设计

发表于 2012-1-26 12:56:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
仁爱版八年级上Topic 3  Which sport will you take part in?
Section B教学设计
The main activities are1aand3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标
1. Learn some new words:
shall, pick, theater, stick, hit
2. Go on learning the future tense with will:
  (1)We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.
  (2)There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.
3. Learn about expressions on making appointments:
  (1)What shall we take?
  (2)Shall I take my camera?
  (3)When shall we meet?
  (4)Where shall we meet?
  (5)Let’s make it half past six.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案
Step 1  Review 第一步  复习(时间:10分钟)
1. (检查作业:汇报参加运动会的调查结果)
T:  Now we are all ready for the sports meet. Which sport will you take part in? Please report your survey to us.
Ss: …
2. (师生对话,引出shall句式,导入新课。)
T:  There will be a sports meet in our school this afternoon. Will you go with me?
S1: Yes, I’d be glad to.
T:  Yeah, let’s go together.
There will be …, yeah
T:  What shall we take?
S1: We’ll take a camera.
T:  We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes, too.
What shall we take?
T: When shall we meet? Let’s make it half past twelve, OK?
Let’s make it half past twelve.
S1: OK. Where shall we meet?
T:  Shall we meet on the right side of the playground?
S1: OK.
Shall we …?
Step 2  Presentation 第二步  呈现(时间:8分钟)
1. (出示1a挂图,让学生观察图中人物,猜测他们之间的对话。播放1a录音。)
T:  Now look at the picture. What are they doing? Can you guess what they are talking about?
S1: They are making a phone call.MaybeKangkang is asking his friend,Michael, to watch the sports meet.
2. (出示小黑板,让学生听两遍1a录音,完成下面表格。)
  T: Let’s listen to1atogether, and fill in the table.
What to take

When to meet

Where to meet

Shall I take my camera?
When/Where shall we meet?
3. (让学生听录音,跟读并注意语音语调。)
  T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固(时间:10分钟)
1. (独立完成1b。)
T: Read1a, then finish 1b by yourselves.
2. (让学生再读1a,标出关键词。)
T: Please read1aagain and mark the key words.
sports meet, tomorrow, take, clothes, shoes, camera, when, meet, make, where, my house
3. (根据关键词表演1a对话。)
  T: Act out a dialog according to the key words.
4. (让学生看1c信息内容,猜出pick和theater的词义。)
pick, theater
5. (让学生模仿1a对话内容,根据1c所提供的信息编对话。选出几组学生表演并给予鼓励。)
Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习(时间:10分钟)
1. (继续谈论有关运动会的话题,引出并学习生词。)
T:  If someone wins the match/race, what should we say to him/her in Chinese?
T: Yes, we should say “Congratulations!”
2. (通过多媒体课件来展示接力赛的情景,导入3a。)
T: Boys and girls, look at the screen, please. We can seeMichael, Jane and Helen. What are
   they talking about? Let’s listen to 3, then finish 3b by yourselves.
3. (再听3,让学生跟读并注意语音语调。)
  T: Listen to 3 again and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
4. (三人一组根据3a、3b进行表演,完成3c,并给予肯定和鼓励。)
  T: Practice3 ingroup of three. Then I’ll ask some groups to act it out.
5. (利用课件呈现运动员手中的接力棒,向学生提问。导入2。)
  T: Look here! What’s this in the boy’s hand in Chinese?
Ss: “接力棒”.
T:  Yes, we call it stick. It’s a stick. We use it in the relay race. We can’t use it to hit others.
stick, hit
T: What’s the result ofMichael andKangkang’s relay race? Listen to the tape and finish 2.
6. (再听2,核对答案。)
T: Listen to 2 again and check the answers.
Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)
1. (假设本周日天气晴朗,大家约定一起去郊游,谈谈约定的内容和将要做的事情,先打电话预约,再将电话内容写出来。)
A: Hello! Is that Tommy?
B: Speaking!
A: This is Jim. What are you going to do this Sunday?
B: I’ve no idea. What about you?
A: The weather report says it will be sunny this Sunday. Shall we go hiking with Rose and Jenny?
B: Sounds great! What shall we take?
A: We will take some fruit, water,bread and milk.
B: I think we’d better take a camera, so we can take photos.

2. Homework:
Which sport will you take part in?
Section B
What shall we take?
We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.
When shall we meet?
Let’s make it half past six.
Where shall we meet?
There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon  .
Shall we meet on the playground?
Sure. I’ll meet you there and take some photos.
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