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期中知识扫盲--人教九全unit 2高频考点专项专练(含答案)

发表于 2020-9-6 08:35:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
教版九年级全册unit 2高频考点专项专练



1. There is something sweet in the m________.

2. The book is for w                wants to learn more about the Internet.

3. The car alarm went off last night when someone was trying to s                the car.

4. For d                we both ate chocolate cakes with fresh cream on the top.

5. In Chinese culture, red l________ are the symbol of great life and good luck.

6. Mike’s father punished him because he ________(steal) others’ things.

7. I don’t think ________(lay) these flowers in the kitchen is a good idea.

8. The teacher warned us not ________(read) this kind of novel anymore.

69. The young children crowded against one another for ______(warm).

10. Sam ________(spread) the news to the whole school and soon everyone knew it.

11. The writer wrote more than 20 ________(novel) in the 1990s.

12. Some of the plants are ________(die), but most of them are still living.

13. Wendy didn't catch the early bus because she helped a ______(strange) on the way.

14. You can feel the ________(warm) of spring when you take a walk on a March afternoon.

15. Alex ________(lie) in bed the whole night, awake and in the morning he fell asleep.

16. There's a t                in our office that when it's somebody's birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.

17. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in the world. A lot of young people a               him very much.

18. Cathy is going to read some English ________(novel) during the holiday.

19. His grandpa has been ________(die) for five years.

20. In many Western countries people usually give ________(present) on big holidays.

21. At yesterday's dinner, Mr. Green wore a black suit and a blue t               .

22. A manatee (海牛) eats about 100 p________ of food a day.

23. Sally is quite shy when she is talking to ________(strange).

24. Emily sent postcards with best wishes to her friends and r________.

25. There are many different kinds of flowers in the g               .

26. The 13-year-old girl wants to start her own ________(business).

27. They do charity work just to show ________(warm) and love.

28. I never expected that these people would t________ me so nicely.

29. When his mother came in, Jason was ________(lie)on the bed watching television.

30. The teacher often ________(警告) the children to wash their hands before lunch.

31. Will your parents p________ you if you fail the exam?

32. Matt has a strong love for Chinese music. He hopes to s________ it all over the world.



hungry, important, share, drive, celebrate

A: Mom, are we almost there yet?

B: No. We have about another hour of (1)________ before we reach Grandma's house.

A: I am hungry! Can I have a piece of bread?

B: Not yet, Tom. Don't you want to wait until you get to Grandma's house and (2)________ the bread with everyone? Remember, Thanksgiving is a holiday to (3)________ with family.

A: OK, Mom. Oh, I can't wait to eat Aunt Grace's sweet potatoes, Uncle Tom's turkey, or Aunt Sue's pumpkin pie!

B: I know you are very (4)________, so how about an apple?

A: Yes, please! Will we get to Grandma's house in time for Thanksgiving dinner?

B: Of course we will! So, you see how (5)________ Thanksgiving is!

(2)根据短文内容,用括号内所给的提示词以及恰当的关联词(that, whether / if)补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。

Katie bought a new CD. She listened to it twice and then Sandy borrowed it. Sandy showed it to Mike. The next day, Mike asked Sandy (1)_______________(can borrow) it, because he liked it. After a week Katie asked Sandy (2)_______________(can return) the CD to her. Sandy said (3)_______________(lend) it to Mike. So Katie called Mike. Mike said (4)_______________(borrow) it from Sandy, but he had given the CD back to Sandy. Mike said (5)_______________(buy) the same CD at the music shop. Katie wondered where her CD was.


The weather is fine. Dad and Mom go out. Billy has nothing to do. He goes to the g             (1). It's very quiet here. Billy takes off his t             (2), coat and shoes and puts them on the bench (长椅). Then he l             (3) on the ground. The sunshine is very nice. This boy goes on making up his n             (4) in his mind.

Ten years later, Tom grew up. He became a trader. He went to China on b             (5). The first day he arrived in China was the Mid-Autumn Festival. His Chinese friend Liu Qiang invited him to his home. Then he treated him with kindness and w             (6). He invited him to taste a Chinese traditional food —m             (7). He started to tell him the story of Chang’e. Long long ago ...

“Billy, Billy, where are you?” His mom comes back. And her voice from the living room comes to his ears. Billy has to stop his story.


A 90-year-old grandmother has become the world’s oldest primary school student. Priscilla Sitienei is f               (1) a small village in Kenya. She has s               (2) most of her life working as a midwife. She helps women to give birth to babies. She wants to read and w               (3) so she can pass on her nursing skills. She wants to write down the medicines she uses when she helps women to give birth to babies. She also wants to be a               (4) to read books. Sitienei said she didn’t go to school when she was young. She knows she is old, but she wants to set a good e               (5) for young people. She wants all the village children to s               (6) hard.

When Ms. Sitienei first joined the school, the headmaster did not think it was a good i               (7). But now he is very happy. He said he was proud of her and that all students loved her and w               (8) to learn and play with her. He also said, “She is doing well considering her age. I can say I have seen a big d               (9) in this school since she came.” Ms. Sitienei had a special message. She said, “I want to say to the children of the world, e               (10) girls, that education will be your wealth (财富).” She added, “With education, you can be whatever you want.”


Hi, my name is Robert and I live in Greenland. It's an island with a very small population in North America. Lots of people think it's a          (1) winter in Greenland. They're wrong! It's true we have winter for about nine m         (2), and the temperature is sometimes -40℃! But we have w        (3) summers, too. In July, the sun s           (4) for about 20 hours a day.

Lots of things have already c        (5) for our people. Long ago, we lived in houses made of ice. But today, our houses are made of wood. We don't catch a          (6) for food anymore. We buy most of our food in supermarkets, just l         (7) in most other countries! Even our clothes are different. We don't w         (8) animal fur anymore. My favorite clothes are jeans and T-shirts.

In the past, we traveled on sledges (雪橇). We u         (9) a team of dogs to pull the sledges. But now we have motorbikes with skis. We drive them across the snow and ice.

The w         (10) around the world is getting warmer all the time. What will happen to Greenland in the future? Nobody knows, but I think it will be very different in 50 years' time.



1. mooncake(s)   2. whoever  3. steal  4. dessert    5. lanterns

6. stole  7. laying  8. to read  9. warmth  10. spread

11. novels   12. dead  13. stranger  14. warmth  15. lay

16. tradition  17. admire 18. novels  19. dead   20. presents

21. tie  22. pounds  23. strangers  24. relatives    25. garden      

26. business  27. warmth  28. treat    29. lying  30. warns

31. punish   3 2. spread


(1)1. driving    2. share   3. celebrate  4. hungry  5. important

(2)1. whether / if he could borrow

2. whether / if she could return

3. that she had lent

4. that he had borrowed

5. that he had bought

(3)1. garden  2. tie  3. lies  4. novel   5. business  6. warmth  7. mooncakes

(4)1. from  2. spent  3. write  4. able  5. example  6. study

7. idea 8. wanted / wished  9. difference  10. especially

(5)1. always   2. months  3. warm   4. shines  5. changed

6. animals 7. like  8. wear  9. used   10. weather



1. Holly went to Macao on vacation. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Holly ________ on vacation?

2. People in North America celebrate Halloween on the night of October 31st.  (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ people in North America celebrate Halloween?

3. Gao Xiaosong wrote the words of the song. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the words of the song?

4. Bob likes the festival because it is for the children. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Bob ________ the festival?

5. Will there be a parents' meeting next week? Mom asked me. (合并为含有宾语从句的复合句)

Mom asked me ________ there ________ ________ a parents' meeting the next week.

6. Lisa thinks the film is funny.  (改为否定句)

Lisa ________ ________ the film ________ funny.

7. Mom will be well again in three weeks. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ will Mom be well again?

8. The storybook is very interesting.  (改为感叹句)

________ ________ interesting storybook it is!

9. Dick dressed up as a black cat to celebrate Halloween. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Dick dress up as to celebrate Halloween?

10. Bob loves the Dragon Boat Festival because he can watch the races.  (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Bob love the Dragon Boat Festival?

11. The sun is bigger than the moon. The teacher told the students.  (合并为一句)

The teacher told the students ________ the sun ________ bigger than the moon.

12. This book is interesting.  (改为感叹句)

________ ________ interesting book this is!

13. Susan is similar to her mother in looks.  (改为同义句)

Susan ________ ________ her mother.

14. August is hotter than any other month of the year here. (改为同义句)

August is ________ ________ ________ of the year here.

15. How does Becky like the Dragon Boat Festival? (改为同义句)

________ ________ Becky ________ ________ the Dragon Boat Festival?


1. 昨天一场大雨冲走了那棵小树。

Yesterday a heavy rain ________ ________ that small tree.

2. 刚才这个年轻人从天上射下了一只鸟。

The young man ________ ________ ________ ________ in the sky just now.

3. 如果你服了仙药,你将长生不老。

If you drink magic medicine, you will ________ ________.

4. 我们在草地上铺开毯子,然后坐了下来。

We ________ ________ the blanket on the grass and sat down on it.

5. 他们的教室和我们的相似, 只是我们的稍微大一些。

Their classroom ________ ________ ________ ours, but ours is a little bigger.

6. 为了挑选一件好一点的连衣裙去参加聚会,刚才蒂娜把她所有的连衣裙都摆在床上。

In order to choose a better one for the party, Tina ________ ________ all her dresses on the bed just now.  

7. 我们很惊讶下个月杰西卡将去澳大利亚进修。

We were surprised that Jessica ________ ________ to Australia for further study the next month.

8. 薇拉每次与她的丈夫争吵,最后都会哭。

Every time Vera argued with her husband ________ ________ ________ ________.

9. 今晚他们将和家人赏月并分享月饼。

They ________ ________ ________ ________ and share mooncakes with their families this evening.

10. 泼水节对傣族人民来说很重要。

The ________ ________ is very important for the Dai People.

11. 老人经常给这些孩子讲一些传统民间故事。

The old man often tells some ________ ________ ________ to these children.

12. 上周六我爸妈带我出去吃饭了。

My parents took me to ________ ________ last Saturday.

13. 过完春节后你的体重增加了吗?

Did you ________ ________ weight after the Spring Festival?

14. The boys hid John's bike to ________ ________ ________ ________(捉弄) him.

15. Thanks for your gift — it will always ________ ________ ________ ________(提醒我想起你).

16. 我最喜欢秋天,因为在这个季节我们能庆祝中秋节。

Autumn is my favorite season because we can ________ ________ ________ ________ in this season.

17. They did much work, but they ________ ________(最后处于) getting nothing.

18. It looked like ________ ________ ________(一个闹鬼的房子), so few people went into it.

19. ——你看起来很兴奋!——你猜怎么着?我赢了一台电脑!

—You look so excited!—________ ________? I won a computer!

20. 母亲节是一个感谢母亲的特别的日子。

________ ________ is a special day to thank mothers.

21. I often ________ ________ ________(打扮成) a policeman when I was a child.

22. We went to the church to celebrate ________ ________(平安夜).




1. Friend: I have to work on Saturday.

You: ________

2. Friend: Andy won first place in the 100-meter race.

You: ________

3. Friend: I'm going to Australia for my vacation.

You: ________

4. Friend: Brian got married in a Superman suit!

You: ________

5. Friend: Look, I bought you an ice-cream.

You: ________

A. What a nice girl you are!

B. What an interesting man he is!

C. How fast he ran!

D. How boring it is!

E. How exciting!


A: You look a little tired this morning.

B: Yes. I got up at 4 a.m. to (1)______________ for my mother.

A: At 4 a.m.? You are really a great daughter, Joan.

B: Not really. It is my mother who is wonderful. She gave me (2)______________ and brought me up.

A: So you try to repay (报答) her on Mother’s Day?

B: Right. But she has given me so much that it would take hundreds of years to repay her.

A: Maybe we should have Mother’s Day every day (3)______________ just once a year.

B: (4)______________. But I can’t get up early to make breakfast for her every day.

A: But we can tell our moms (5)______________ we love them more often.

B: I agree! I will do that from today on.


A: Hello?

B: Hi, George. It's Paul. (1)____________________?

A: I'm studying. (2)____________________?

B: Have you bought your costume yet?

A: No.

B: No? You haven't bought your costume?

A: What are you talking about?

B: It's Halloween! Remember?

A: Oh, no! (3)____________________. I'm not going to wear a costume.

B: Oh, why not? I love Halloween. (4)____________________.

A: A black cat? That's stupid. Halloween's stupid.

B: No, it isn't. It's going to be fun. (5)____________________. She's going to be a storyteller. Are you going to the party?

A: The party at Cindy's? Oh, yes. I don't like Halloween, but I like Cindy a lot.



1. What did; do   

2. When do

3. Who wrote

4. Why does; like

5. whether / if; would be

6. doesn't think; is

7. How soon

8. What an

9. What did

10. Why does

11. that; is

12. What an

13. looks like / takes after

14. the hottest month  

15. What does; think of


1. washed away   

2. shot down a bird

3. live forever

4. laid out  

5. is similar to

6. laid out

7. would go

8. she ended up crying

9. will admire the moon   

10. Water Festival  

11. traditional folk stories     

12. eat out

13. put on   

14. play a trick on

15. remind me of you

16. celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival

17. ended up

18. a haunted house

19. Guess what

20. Mother's Day

21. dressed up as   

22. Christmas Eve



(2)1. make / cook breakfast

2. life / everything  

3. instead of

4. It’s a good idea / You’re right

5. how much / that

(3)1. What are you doing

2. Why

3. I hate Halloween

4. I'm going to dress up as a black cat

5. We're going to have a party at Cindy's

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