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冀教版九年级下册英语《Lesson 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?》精品教案

发表于 2021-3-25 11:12:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Lesson 12: Did You Ever See a “Chorse”?
Teaching Content:
There are no new words and expressions in this lesson.
Teaching Aims:
1.Know more about combining.
2.Find the differences between the Chinese and foreign songs.
Teaching Important Points:
1.The expression of ability and disability.
2.The use of coordinating conjunctions.
3.Sing the song fluently.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Combine two different living things.                     Teaching Preparation: pictures
Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures     
Type of lesson: new lesson
Teaching Procedure:
Step1.Show some pictures of animals to the students. Let them imagine what animals what animals they would like to combine.
What would they look like?
What are they used for?
Divide the class into groups of three or four. Then discuss the questions for five minutes. After a while, show their results to the class in front of the class.
Step2. Listen to the song and repeat after it. Play the tape for several times. Let the students to be familiar to the rhythm of the song.
Step3. Read the song as a lyric. Then let the students make up other similar songs according to their imagination.
Let some volunteers present their song to the class.
Step4. Let the students try to sing the song together. Play the tape again. Ask them to sing after it for several times again.
Step5. Ask some volunteers to sing in front of the class.
1.one… the other…表示两者中的一个……另一个……,两部分中一部分……另一部分……
2.so表示程度,意思为“这么,那么”当它与动词think, hope , believe等连用时,表示“这样,如此”。
never, always ,usually, often这四个都是频率副词,never表示频度为零, always表示“总是,一直”表示的频率为100%它在句中通常用在行为动词之前,be动词的后面 ,usually与always相比,表示动作频率要低些,约为70-80%, often意为“经常,常常”它表示的频率比usually又略低些,约为60-70%。它的位置比较灵活。
5.rest表示“剩余”常用于the rest of结构,rest不能作形容词,the rest作主语时如指代可数名词的复数则谓语动词用复数形式,如果指不可数名词,则谓语动词用单数。
Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.
Work in a small group to finish the task.
Use the pattern in the song to tell customers about your new animals. Describe the new animals in the following ways.
What animals will you combine?
What is the new animal look like?
What are they used for?
What will you name them?
At last, they can present their result in words or in pictures.
Let the students talk about the subject for five minutes. Then let one of the members come to the front and present their result.
Step7. Homework
1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.
2.Practice the song after class.

This song is about combining. Combine two different things together by changing their DNA. It is a new technique. We must make full use of it in many ways. The students today are the future scientists and engineers. So let them know more about coming is good for them. Give them more chance to search after class. Help them to use many tools to teach themselves.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词:
1. 我和李明年龄一般大。
      I have _______ _______ ________ ______ Li Ming.
2. 我想了解有关DNA的更多知识。
      I want to _______ ________ _________ DNA.
3. 你最好不要一个人去那儿。
     You’d better ______ ________ there by yourself.
4. 我希望你能来参加我的生日聚会。
      I hope _______ _______ _______ to my birthday party.
5. Kate经常练习吹笛子。
    Kate often __________ _________ _________.
6. 你还想买什么?
    What _________ do you want to buy?
7. 他喜欢吹笛子。He likes _________ _______ _______.
     ____ ______ _______, we can help other people.
2. 许多衣服是棉布做的。
     Many clothes _______ _______ _______ cottons.
3. 我们可以培植对昆虫有害处的植物。
     We can make plants that ______ _____ _______ insects.
4. 科学家能从一种植物中提出DNA,并把它放入另一种
    Scientists can _________ DNA __________ one kind of
    animals and _______ it _______ another kind of animal.
5. 通过DNA,科学家能鉴别你和与你有关的人。
     From your DNA, scientists can identify you and people
      _______ _______ you.
6. 我们在北京西客站换了火车。
    We _______ ________ at Beijing West Railway Station.
7. 她的毛衣和我的颜色一样。
    Her sweater is ______ _______ _______ _______mine.
8. 我们分成几个小组讨论我们的计划。
    We _________ ourselves ________ several groups to
    discuss our plan.
9. 我们若是开会迟到了又有什么关系呢?
    _______ _______ we are late for the meeting?
10. 但是他们和原来的人完全一样吗?
     But would they be _________ the same as the original

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