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外研版英语初中八年级下册Module 1 Unit 1 精品教案免费下载

发表于 2021-4-1 19:33:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 1 Feelings and impressions
Unit 1 It smells delicious.
1. 能够正确朗读系表结构的句子,能掌握表达感受的语音语调。
2. 熟悉感官动词(looksoundsmellfeeltaste)的基本用法,并能运用感官动词描述对事物的感受和印象。
3. 能够通过听、说、读、写的练习,运用词汇:softsourlovelysmelltrysoundcookiepizzapiejam等。
Step 1Warming up
1. Show some pictures to introduce thesense verbs.
2. Show some pictures to introduce thenew words.
3. Learn the new words.
Step 2 Thestudents can learn by themselves, and ask some questions about the study.
A2. Listen and number the pictures.
1. Ask the students to read the word andexpressions in Activity 1.
feel  look   smell   soft   sour    strong   sweet  taste
2. Ask the students to look at thepictures in Activity 1 carefully.
3. Listen and number the pictures.
4. Ask the students to check theiranswer with a partner.
5. Call back the answer from the wholeclass and check the answer.
A3 Listen again and complete thesentences.
1. Ask the students to read the word andexpressions in Activity 2.
1) The cookie tastes sweet.
2) The milk _____________.
3) This bed _____________.
4) Tom ______________.
2 Listen again and complete thesentences.
3. Ask the students to check theiranswer with a partner.
4. Call back the answer from the wholeclass and check the answer.
Keys: 1. tastes sweet  2. smells sour  3. feel a bit soft  4. looks very strong
Step 3The students can learn the main point with the help of the teacher, and solvethe problems.
A4 Listen and read.
1. Show some pictures, and ask thestudents to talk about them.
2. Ask the students to read theconversation silently.
3. Play the recording and ask thestudents to listen and read the conversation.
4. Read the conversation.
5. Act it out.
6. Learn “Everyday English”
I’m afraid…
Have a try!
It’s my lucky day!
7. Now check ()what Betty is making in Activity 3.
8. Ask the students to check theiranswer with a partner.
9. Call back the answer from the wholeclass and check the answer.
A5 Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box.
1. Ask the students to read the words inthe box in Activity 4.
lovely   soft  sour   strong   sugar   sweet
2. Ask the students to read through thesentences in Activity 4.
1) I bought a large chocolate cake,because I love _____________ food.
2) Dried fish has a _____________ taste.You don’t need much of it in the dish.
3) She does not put ______________ intea because she does not like sweet tea
4) The milk has gone ______________overnight, so we cannot drink it.
5) The bed feels ________________ andcomfortable.
6) Apple pie sounds _____________. It ismy favourite.
3. Complete the sentences with the wordsin the box.
4. Check with a partner.
5. Call back the answers from the wholeclass.
Keys: 1. sweet  2. strong 3. sugar  4. sour  5. soft 6. lovely
6. Read the sentences together.
Notes: Language points
1. Well, my chocolate cookies are done now.嗯,我的巧克力饼干做好了。
句中的be done表示“做好了,完成了”。例如:
I am nearly done.我差不多做完了。
Are you done with that pen? 那支笔你用完了吗?
The beds are done.床铺都整理好了。
2. Shall I get the sugar? 我来拿糖吧?
当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助时,我们常用Shall I?如:
Shall I get some water for you? 我去给你弄点儿水喝吧?
我们还可以用Shall we?来提出建议。例如:
Shall we buy Betty a cake? 我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧?
3...are you sure that’s sugar? ……你确信那是糖吗?
be sure后面接句子,表示“确信,相信”。如:
I’m sure tomorrow is Betty’s birthday. 我确定明天是贝蒂的生日。
I’m sure we will find each other.我相信我们能找到那地方。
Step 4  Effective practice, consolidate the knowledge
A 6 Complete the table in Activity 5.
1. Ask the students to read the words inActivities1-4.
2. Complete the table with the words inthe boxes in Activities 1 and 4.
3. Check with a partner.
4. Call back the answers from the wholeclass.
Ear  sound      quiet…nice
Eye      look soft,lovely, strong
Hand       feel  soft, lovely, strong
Mouth     taste strong, lovely, sour, sweet
Nose       smell       sour, strong, sweet, lovely
A7 Pronunciation and speaking
1. Play the recording once withoutstopping.
2. Play the recording again and ask thewhole class to repeat.
1) It smells too strong and it tastes abit sour.
2) They taste really sweet and they feelsoft in the middle.
3. Ask the students to listen andunderline the words the speaker stresses.
4. Now listen again and repeat.
A8 Work in pairs.
1. Ask and answer about the things inthe box.
2. Say why you like or do not likethem.  
bananas  flowers     ice cream   pop music  silk T- shirts
Do you like bananas?
Yes, I do. They taste delicious. Do youlike flowers?
A9 Exercises
A. feel;look; smell; sound; taste 填空:
1. The milk ________ strong.
2. My sweater ________ soft.
3. The room ________ quiet.
4. These flowers ________ beautiful!
5. This pizza _______ delicious.
Keys: 1. smells  2. feels 3. sound  4. look  5. tastes
B. 首字母填空:
1. The food will taste too salty ifthere is too much s_______ in it.
2. When we talk, we should think ofother’s f_________.
3. Many people spend their holiday inthe countryside. The enjoy the f ______ air there.
4. I want some more cookie. It t________really good.
Keys: 1. salt  2. feelings 3. fresh  4. tastes
C. 完成句子:
1. 丝绸摸起来很柔软。
Silk ______________________.
2. 洋葱不好吃, 气味太浓了。
The onion doesn’t taste good, it_________________.
3. Tom看起来不开心。
4. 别不好意思,试一试。
Don’t be shy, just _______________.
1. feels very soft  2. smells too strong  3. looks very unhappy  4. have a try
Step 5Summary evaluation, leak turnover
The film is interesting.  
The cookies smell delicious.
The soup tastes too salty.
The bed feels hard.   
The idea sounds quite good.
All the children look happy.
The dishes do not smell very nice.
Does he look worried?
The cake does not taste very good.
1. Copy the new words and expressions.
2. Recite the text of the unit 1.
3. Finish the workbook
4. Recite the notes and exercise points.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-1 19:36:21 | 只看该作者
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