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Module6 Unit2 Was it a big city then? 教学设计

发表于 2017-4-28 14:07:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Module6 Unit2 Was it a big city then? 教学设计
1,谈论过去事物或人物的特征和状态。 2,全体学生能运用Was it a big city then? 3,全体学生能运用“was”询问过去的行为或事件。 教学重、难点
1、        全体学生能听懂并且说Was it a big city then? Yes, it was. /No, it wasn’t.
2、        认读village
难点:能够运用由Was 引导的一般疑问句及其回答。 教具课件 单词卡片、多媒体等 教 学 过 程 :
Step1.warm-up: (1)Greetings (2)Say the chant in Module 6 Unit 1.
Were you at school?
   Were you at the zoo?
   Were you at the park yesterday?
   Yes, I was.  Yes, I was.
   I was out yesterday. Step 2 Presentation 1、 Play the radio at SB book Unit 2 activity 1, and ask the Ss to look at the book.
学习句子:--Was he strong then?
--Yes, he was.
Step3: New lesson
(1) Lead in and new words
Show a picture of my hometown. It’s a small village. (讲授village)
(2) New sentences.
Look at this picture about Shenzhen.
--Is it a big city?
--Yes, it is.
Now Look at another picture about Shenzhen. (展示出一张过去深圳的照片)
Let me guess, Was it a big city then?
Step4: Practice
Let me guess.可以让学生互相猜自己过去拥有的物品或者家里曾经养过的动物。
Was +第三人称单数(it/he/she...)+形容词?
回答:Yes, it/he/she... was.
No, it/he/she...  wasn't.
Step6: Homework
(1)read the text three times。
(2)用句子Was it a big city then?
Yes, it was.
No, it wasn’t.询问自己的城市或者家?


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