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发表于 2017-8-11 11:55:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

一.            非谓语动词的基本形式:

1.doing       having done     功能:表主动

2.done        having been done  功能:表被动

3.to do        to be done ; to have done  ;  to be doing  功能:表目的或将来

二.非谓语是如何确定的:先确定句子中有没有连词如(when ; while ; before; after; until ; if ; unless; because; so ; that; although; though ; and; but ;so …)和连接词(whether; what ; why ;how ; …),连词或连接词的个数加一即使谓语动词的个数,若没有连接词和连词便只有一个谓语动词,剩下的动词只能用非谓语动词。


doing (做主语; 宾语,状语 ;宾语补足语; 表语; 定语)

having done 做状语

1.      ___________(ignore)the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make .

2.      It is quiet hot today .Do you feel like _______(go) for a swim .

3.      __________(find) the course very difficult , she decided to move a lower level.

4.      The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ___________(follow) them .

5.      Like ancient sailors , birds can find their way ___________(use)the sun and the stars .

6.      She found it ____________(astonish) to fail in the exam .

7.      She is __________(excite) at the ___________(excite) news.

8.      Last night there were millions of people ___________(watch) the opening ceremony live on TV.

9.      The next thing he saw was smoke ________(rise)from behind the  house .

10.  _________(take) medicine for three days , he recovered from the bad disease.

11.  The book is ____________(interest)

12.  ____________(attend) three college entrance examinations , he realized that English is of great importance.

Answers: 1.Ignoring 2.going 3.Finding 4.folloeing 5.using 6.astonishing 7.excited; exciting 8.watching 9. rising 10.Having taken 11. interesting 12.Having attended

done (状语,表语,定语;宾补)

having been done (状语)

1.__________(absorb) in painting , John didn't notice evening approaching .

2. __________(found) in the early 20th century , the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art .

3.While waiting for the opportunity to get __________(promote), Henry did his best to perform his duty .

4.Amie Salmon , disabled , is attended throughout her school days by a nurse ____________(appoint) to guard her .

5.Dr.Lee was extremely happy to see his mother_______(take) good care of at home .

6._______________(refuse) many times , he was determined to give up .

7.The movie __________(call) 007 is popular with younger people .

Answers: .1.Absorbed 2.Founded 3. promoted 4.appointed 5. taken

6.Having been refused 7. called

to do (主语;宾语;表语;状语;定语; 宾补)

to be done (定语); to be doing (定语) ; to have done

1.      The ability ________(express) an idea is as important as the idea itself.

2.      __________(see) is to believe .

3.      His dream is _________(enter) a key university .

4.      The machine is very easy ___________(operate)Anyone can learn to use it in a few minutes.

5.      He is the first time _________(land) on the moon .

6.      I would like ________(attend) the meeting in person .

7.      Please allow me _________(apologize) to you for my mistake.

8.      _________(learn) more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course .

9.      _____________(catch) the early flight , we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early .

10.  The meeting _____________(hold) tomorrow is of great significance.

11.  He is said __________(steal) many clothes from the mall .

12.  The student seems _____________(sleep) in class now .

Answers:1.to express 2.To see 3. to enter 4. to operate 5. to land 6. to attend 7.to apologize   8. To learn 9.To catch 10. to be held 11. to have stolen 12. to be sleeping

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