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中学英语老师学习随笔 在家业务学习

发表于 2017-3-19 21:54:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


附;今天的学习笔记也可以说成We estimated this picture to be worth at least 500 pounds.    The longest suspension bridge was named after Verrazano(世界上最长的吊桥是以Verrazano的名字命名的) a wide streth of water ()   the bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer(由于桥身太长,设计者不得不考虑了地表的形状)   account for (考虑)   take account of /take it into account(考虑)  curvature(弯曲程度)   describe sth. as  (把什么描述为)situated 的过去分词要接受agreeably 的限定 can 不能与 be able to 搭配连用   can+动词原形表示一般的能力  such that 有内有形容词的含义  either表示两者中每一方  而both同时表示两者   He sat in the car with a policeman on either side of him. (他坐在车里,左右各从了一名警察) either adj. (修饰名词的单数形式)on the side of the street(在街道的两旁)both  adj. (修饰名词的复数形式)every adj. (可用于三者以上)all也可以用于三者以上 in every direction /in all directions(四面八方,不同的方向)   side by side (肩并肩)  The two bottles side by side on the table(两个瓶子并立在餐桌上)   walk side by side (肩并肩走)link with (联系)   immense  adj. (描述形容词用于物质名词前)attach to(把……牢牢地系上)  she attached  a check to the order form(她在定单上附了一张支票)relate to with(表示在……之间的联系)  I can’t relate what you say happened with I saw. (我无法把你所说的与我所见到的联系到一起来) Suspension bridge(吊桥)   suspended(推迟的延期的)The judge gave him a suspended sentence (法官判了他缓刑)  suspense (担心,不安,悬念) The competitors in the beauty contest were kept in suspense waiting for the result (选美参赛者们在不安地等待选美竞赛的结果)   suspender(吊索,吊袜带)  take(容纳,装载)   the tank will take about twelve gallons (这油箱大概能装12加仑的油) sustain()     I don’t this floor will sustain the weight of the grand piano(我认为这地板承受不了这架大钢琴珠重量)   endure(经受,承受痛苦,苦难)   receive(收到)    current  n,  the flow of electricity (电流) a continuous of water (水流)  adj. (目前的,现在的)current affairs(时事)  currency: (流通货币) currently adj. (普通的,通常的,现在,当前)  sculpture (雕塑)sculptural(雕刻的,雕刻般的)   sculptor (雕刻家)mistaken(错误的) adj. in correct, wrong, misunderstood(这几个均是同义词)  example : the teacher has mistaken opinion of his pupil ,He doesn’t use simple plain language and he is often mistaken.  Make a mistake /by mistake(弄错了)  
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-19 21:54:13 | 只看该作者
三口中学 徐国华

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