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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 14:18:23 | 只看该作者

Unit 5 Feeling Happy
Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?  
I. 1. invite sb. to do sth.  2. go to the movies  3. spend the evening  4. prepare…for
5. say thanks to   6. the smiling faces
III.1. invited  2. taste  3. none  4. cruel  5. smile
IV. 1. How does, sound  2. Where are  3. When are, going  4. What will
5. Did, feel
Section B
I. 1. be proud of  2. be pleased with  3. like…a lot  4. set the table
5. ring up sb.  6. feel sorry for
III. 1. seems  2. smells  3. proud  4. film/movie  5. surprised
IV. 1. cloudy  2. boring  3. really  4. unhappy  5. pleased
V. 1. invite, to  2. is preparing, for  3. one of, favorite subjects  4. spend the evening
Section C
I. 1. care for   2. because of   3. cheer up  4. on one’s way to  5. in the end
6. fall into  7. at fist  8. think of
II. 1—4 CAAC   5—8 CBCA
III. 1. players  2. worried  3. funny  4. were  5. happily
IV. 1. lonely  2. America  3. cry  4. lively
V. 1. What’s wrong with  2. What did, teach, do  3. Did, live  4. at last  5. here and there
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCBA
II. 1. pleased  2. worried  3. smiling  4. laugh  5. collecting
III. 1. What did, go, for  2. When did, come  3. Did, use to be  4. doesn’t taste  5. do they
IV. 1. More and more  2. is popular with  3. is full of  4. came into being  5. make peace with
V. 1—5 FTFFT
VI. 1—5 BACBC  6—10 CBABA
Topic 2  I feel better now.
Section A
I. 1—5 ABCAA
II. 1. better  2. telling  3. badly  4. excited  5. yourself
III. 1. Is there anything  2. Why is  3. don’t need  4. Don’t be  5. How does, feel
IV. 1. be strict with ourselves  2. talk with  3. fell down  4. Take it easy  5. do badly in
Section B
I. 1—5 CACBB
II. 1. speaking  2. friendly  3. feelings  4. talking  5. failed
III. 1. Who do, want, with  2. Why is  3. Is it  4. didn’t pass
IV. 1. at your age  2. tells jokes, me laugh  3. how to answer  4. difficulty talking
Section C
II. 1. stranger  2. suggestions  3. accepted  4. usual  5. soft
III. 1. helpful  2. studying  3. carefully  4. wishes  5. well
IV. IV. 1. How  2. couldn’t , as/so  3. more delicious than  4. braver than me  5. to speak
V. 1. made faces  2. is/gets used to  3. With their help  4. as clean as ours
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCBA  6—10 ABCBA          
II. 1. anybody  2. Though  3. understand  4. refused  5. unfair
IV. 1—5 BABBA  6—10 BAABB
V. 1—5 ABCBC
VI. 略。
Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.
Section A
I. 1. make sb. do sth.  2. feel like doing sth.  3. take some medicine  4. take turns to do sth.
5. learn by oneself  6. instead of  7. worry about  8. take it easy
III. 1. speech  2. monitor  3. nervous  4. bitter  5. hate
Section B
I. 1—4 BCAC  5—8 BBAA
II. 1. watching  2. healthy  3. lying  4. sadness  5. sleepy
III. 1. made, monitor 2. at the end of 3. get along well with 4. in a good mood
Section C
I. 1—5 CAACB
II. 1. noise  2. hangs 3. asleep 4. especially 5. thoughts
III. 1. cry  2. noisy  3. brightly  4. Wearing  5. thoughts
IV. 1. so, that ,can’t  2. don’t like  3. Does, make, it does  4. Where do  5. What can  
6. don’t think, can
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCAB
II. 1. decision  2. husband  3. magazines  4. spirit  5. thoughts
III. 1. is  2. to turn  3. excited  4. wives  5. happiness
V. 1—5 CCCAB  6—10 BACBC
VII. 略。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 14:18:28 | 只看该作者

Unit 6  Enjoying Cycling
Topic 1 We’re going on a spring field trip.
Section A
I. 1. make a decision  2. spring field trip  3. find out  4. too…to…
5. plan to do sth.  6. the best way to travel
III. 1. field  2. airplane  3. raise  4. total  5. task
IV. 1. take, to get  2. the best time to  3. decide on  4. How much, cost
Section B
I. 1—6 CBA ABB
II. 1. cinema  2. hotel  3. standard  4. refrigerator  5. condition  6. discussing
III. 1. to travel  2. sleeper  3. feel  4. decision  5. to find
Section C
I. 1—4 BABB  5—8 CBBA
II. 1. came up with  2. to raise money  3. working out  4. looking forward to eating
5. heard from
III. 1. come up with  2. get to  3. cost me  4. What was  5. How exciting
Section D
I. 1—5 BABAA
II. 1. sleeper  2. safely  3. buying  4. decision  5. themselves
IV. 1—5 BCACB     6—10 ACCCB
V. 1—5 CBACC
VI. 略。
Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?
Section A
I. 1. be busy doing sth.  2. look forward to doing sth.  3. make a plan
4. you bet  5. receive your postcard
III. 1. cooking  2. to practice  3. (to) make  4. was taking  5. carefully
IV. 1. Would, like  2. What was, doing  3. Why don’t, explore  4. When is, coming
5. isn’t he
Section B
I. 1—5 BCABC
II. 1. north  2. east  3. received  4. camels  5. mark
III. 1. faced  2. beginning  3. receiving  4. minutes’  5. watch
Section C
I. 1—5 BCCBA
II. 1. e-mails  2. huge  3. push  4. space  5. step  6. directions
III. 1. How long did, ride  2. What did, take  3. so, that, didn’t  4. after  5. Did anyone step
IV. 1. are happy with  2. out of sight  3. couldn’t help crying  4. was surprised at
5. is full of
Section  D
I. 1—5 CBBAB
II. 1. beginning  2. directions  3. camping  4. happily  5. eastern
III. 1. How far is it  2. as soon as  3. how to  4. didn’t go , until  5. What a special trip
V. 1—5 CCCBA
VI. One possible version:
Last summer holiday I went to Beijing with my parents for our vacation. We went there by train. We visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Fobidden City and other places in Beijing. We also visited Peking University and Qinghua University. Beijing is really a good place to visit. We enjoyed ourselves. We all felt tired but excited.
Topic 3  Bicycles are popular.
Section A
I. 1—5 BAAAC
II. 1. badly  2. faster  3. death  4. policemen  5. hitting
III. 1. anywhere  2. slow  3. death  4. rush  5. impossible  6. passengers
Section B
I. 1—5 ABCAB
II. 1. obeys 2. crossing 3. dangerous 4. careless 5. parking
III. 1. Where did, happen 2. What should 3. isn’t there 4. If you eat
5. If, you may
Section C
I. 1—5 ACACC
II. 1. middle  2. result  3. smooth  4. courage  5. lead
III. 1. When was  2. What was wrong with  3. more , than  4. How many times did  
5. shall we
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCCB
II. 1. working  2. largest  3. Millions  4. successful  5. broken
IV. 1—5 CABCA  6—10 BCCAC
V. 1—5 BABCC
VI. 略。
Unit 7 Food Festival
Topic 1 We are preparing for a food festival.
Section A
I. 1—5 AACBA
II. 1. imagine  2. organize  3. soup  4. poster  5. biscuits
III. 1. get in touch with  2. turn to  3. to cook  4. how to make tea  
5. try our best, make , successful
Section B
I. 1—5 AACBC
II. 1. raise  2. pleasure  3. to make  4. yourself  5. successful
III. What would  2. Where are  3. not free  4. don’t think , can  5. When shall
Section C
I. 1—5 BABAB
II. 1. hitting  2. telling  3. to find  4. to hear  5. to raise
III. 1. keep up  2. How surprising  3. got all wet  4. for sale  5. in order to
Section D
I. 1—5 ACCCB
II. 1. surprising  2. successful  3. wishes  4. western  5. fried
IV. 1—5 BABCB  6—10 CBACB
V. 1—5 TFFFF
VI. One possible version:
Dear Uncle John,
How are you these days? I hope you can come to our singing competition. On the afternoon of June 22nd, the students in our school will hold a singing competition. We will have it on the playground of our school. We are going to sing Chinese songs. After the competition, we are going to sell old story books and CDs. We want to raise some money for Li Kang who is badly ill in hopistal. Hope to see you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-18 14:18:33 | 只看该作者
Topic 2 Cooking is fun!
Section A
I. 1—5 BCCCC
II. 1. Does, need  2. can’t put  3. What do  4. How long did, cook  5. Don’t , any
III. 1. cheap  2. cooker  3. add  4. advantage  5. noodles  6. immediately
Section B
I. 1—5 AACCB
II. 1. spoon  2. polite  3. piece  4. butter  5. forks
III. 1. noisily  2. impolite  3. harder  4. opening  5. yourselves
Section C
I. 1—5 BBCCA
II. 1. western  2. more  3. quietly  4. doing  5. knives
III. 1. don’t think, is  2. whether/if people will  3. whether/if , comes  4. What do
5. isn’t there
Section D
I. 1—5 CACBC
II. 1. ate them up  2. table manners  3. pick, up  4. far away from
   5. at the same time
III. 1—5 ABBCA  6—10 CBBAB
Topic 3 Welcome to our food festival!
Section A
I. 1—5 CCBAB
II. 1. enjoys  2. to satisfy  3. asking  4. themselves  5. bowls
III. 1. menu  2. guests  3. wine  4. gentleman  5. bill
Section B
I. 1—5 ABACB
II. 1. What would  2. How soon  3. How delicious  4. shall we  5. can’t e-mail
III. by, Sure/Yes, like, Anything, Where, at, in
Section C
I. 1—5 AABBB
II. 1. more finely  2. lightly  3. to drink  4. first  5. excited
III. 1. most popular food  2. In the end, made over  3. order a meal  4. paid the bill
5. as happy as
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Section D
I. 1—5 BACBA
II. 1. clean  2. unhealthy  3. ladies  4. regularly  5. reading
III. 1. too cold, too hot  2. for us, balanced diet  3. more carefully, better
4. It is said  5. not only, but also
V. 1—5 BCCBA  6—10 BBACB       
VI.  1—5 BACBC
VII. 略。
Unit 8  Our Clothes
Topic 1 What a nice coat!
Section A
I. 1—5 ABCCB
II. 1. cotton  2. handbag  3. jeans  4. scarf  5. silk
III. 1. so, that he can’t  2. easy enough  3. What a nice  4. When will  5. Are you
Section B
I. 1—5 BCAAB
II. 1. natural  2. second  3. satisfied  4. woolen  5. to buy
III. 1. so, that  2. such, that, at once  3. is made of  4. What size  5. satisfied with
Section C
II. 1. depends  2. similar  3. iron  4. dislikes  5. heat  6. gloves
III. 1. nearly  2. northern  3. Canadian  4. shopping  5. the coolest
IV. 1. do they  2. Did, buy  3. Does, want, or  4. What’s it  5. so, that
Section D
I. 1—5 ABBCA
II. 1. protect themselves from  2. In fact, as useful as  3. caught her eyes  4. depend on
5. is made of
IV. 1—4 BACB    5—7 ACB
V. 1—5 CABCB
VI. 略。
Topic 2  Different jobs require different uniforms.
Section A
I. 1—5 BACBA
II. 1. depend on  2. allow sb. to do sth.  3. agree with sb.  4. at work
5. stop sb. from doing sth.  6. carry out  7. in danger  8. design one’s own uniform
III. 1. don’t think, should  2. Can, show  3. where they can  4. what, should
5. What does, plan
Section B
I. 1. suitable  2. correctly  3. entering  4. feet  5. ourselves
Section C
I. 1—5 CACCB
II. 1. pilot  2. danger  3. ceilings  4. soldier  5. airport
III. 1. wear school uniforms  2. get help quickly  3. It’s necessary  4. a car accident
5. protect themselves from
Section D
III. 1—5 BACBC  6—10 CABCC
V. One possible version:
We made a survey about our school rules in Class Two, Grade Eight. Here are the result.
Fifteen of the students thought they should wear school uniforms to school every day because wearing school uniforms could show good dicipline, but thirty-five of them didn’t agree. They thought the school unifroms looked ugly on them. Thirty students thought they liked to study in groupl. It was a good way for them to help each opther, but twenty students didn’t think so. They said it was a good way for them to think about problems. They needed to read and think by themselves.
Topic 3 Let’s go and watch the fashion show.
Section A
I .1—5 BACCB
II. 1. hosted  2. was  3. is wearing  4. is going to be  5. play
III. 1. What/How about  2. where, was  3. When , where  4. with two buttons
5. whether, could
Section B
I. 1—5 CABCA
Section C
I. 1—5 BABCC
II. 1. expresses  2. Asian  3. personal  4. traditional  5. attractive
III. 1. From then on  2. not only, but also  3. is different from  4. stands for  5. got its name
Section D
I. 1—5 ACBCA
II. 1. wore  2. western  3. really  4. known  5. third
III. 1—5 CABCB  6—10 BAABC
V. 略。。。。。

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