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发表于 2017-6-19 01:42:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
         Dear teachers and students, good morning!
       My name is ______ from Class 1  Grade 4. today my topic is -Cherish your time , study in meditation
First of all, I'd like to give you a riddle. Do you know what is the fastes and the slowest, the longest and shortest, the most common and precious thing in the world, the most easily neglected and the most regrettable? Yes, that's the time
From the beginning of the school day, more than 100 days and nights have passed away from us, and will never return. Dear students, how much of your harvest?
A new day has begun, some students greet the dawn, accompanied by sun, read aloud, reciting, some students are left wandering footsteps on campus; some students in the classroom to concentrate, intentnesses, some students are busy chatting, playing with the bottom of the table;
有的同学周末认真完成作业,努力复习,书写自己的刻苦,有的同学却迷失在那总也看不完的电视节目、玩不尽的电脑游戏…… 时间老人是公平、慷慨的,每人每天都有1440分钟。
Some students finish the homework seriously at the weekend, and efforts to review, writing his own hard work, some schoolmates are lost in the total also can't watch the TV, play computer games... Time is fair and generous, with 1440 minutes per person per day.
But the old man was unjust and mean, and brought wisdom, strength and joy to the industrious and diligent. But to the lazy and unkind classmate leave regret, regret and pain.
Dear students, this semester is coming to an end, let us race against time, cherish every minute that we have, let the old man slow down his hurried pace!
    We are in the knowledge garden bathed in the sunlight of the school, enjoying a good learning environment, we have no reason to abandon learning and profligate youth, there is no reason to indulge in pleasure and linger.
   "No idle, no young man, no sorrow." When familiar ringing in the ears again, master top and ring from the campus, student what are you waiting for?Please grasp every minute, hard to work!
    Cherish your time and study in meditation, which can bring you success! Finally, I wish the students have excellent results in the final examination.
That’s all for my speech! Thank you!

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