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期中知识扫盲--人教九全unit 1高频考点专项专练(含答案)

发表于 2020-9-6 08:24:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
教版九年级全册unit 1高频考点专项专练



1. Andy can't find his science t       . He is worried because he has science class this afternoon.

2. Scientists ________(discover) a new kind of plant in the forest last week.

3. —Can you tell me your s________ to success?

—There's no easy way to learn English well. Just study hard.

4. Learning English g________ is boring, but Miss Clark makes it interesting by playing games with her students.

5. If you are shy, you can smile before you start a c    with others.

6. It's very important for us to choose our friends ________(wise).

7. Try to ________ (创造)an interest in what you learn.

8. The teacher said we should r________ what we learned before the test.

9. They can get a lot of scientific k________ from such an interesting activity.

10. My mother is my first teacher and my l________ teacher.

11. —What's the s________ of your car now?

—120 miles per hour.

12. Students should develop the ________(able) to solve problems by themselves.

13. Nick and Sam like to travel and d________ some new things together.

14. The e________ on her face showed that she was shocked at the news.

15. The population of this city has i________ from 50,000 in 1980 to about 1,500,000 now.

16. In English, the spelling of a word is not always a guide to the ________ (pronounce).

17. Annie has ________ (increase) her reading speed that way.

18. Mike and Paul are my ________ (partner) in the activity.

19. The project ________ (create) many jobs for young people last year.

20. I’m one of Dr. Shaw’s ________ (patient). He is kind to me.

21. From the ________(express) on his face, I knew he didn't want to go to Hainan for a holiday.

22. Mr. Miller asked me to make a s    with these words.

23. In order to improve her p    , Alice listens to English news every morning.

24. Just be a little p    , sir. It will take me some time to repair your computer.

25. Excuse me, will you please r________ what you said just now? I didn't hear you clearly.

26. Henry is good at p________, but his pen pal is good at chemistry.

27. My problem with English is that I can't p________ some words correctly.

28. Bob gave me some advice on how ________(increase) my reading speed.

29. Mr. Brown is usually very quiet, but he was ________ (act)at the party yesterday.

30. Rick, read the following dialogues and then practice them with your p________.

31. Enough sleep can make sure our b________ work better.



pronounce, partner, grammar, repeat, listen, increase

Do you think English is a difficult language to learn? Well, here are some good ways to learn English.

Practice pronouncing sounds. (1) ________ some words again and again until you are comfortable with them. This helps you with your (2) ________.

Read more. Reading is one of the best ways to (3) ________ your vocabulary and improve your (4) ________. Be sure to choose topics or books you like.

Listen for the main point when someone is talking with you. If you hear a new word, don't stop. Go on (5) ________. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss the other words.

Talk in English as much as possible. Find a(n) (6) ________ to talk with in English. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.


compete, discuss, they, see, town

open, slow, decide, if, down

Creating a palace out of ice

In 1895, the town of Leadville, Colorado, USA was in trouble. People were leaving and not coming back. The (1) _______ leaders needed to come up with a plan to keep people in Leadville. They also hoped others would come to visit or live there. After much (2) _______, they planned to build something amazing to make people want to go to their town. They (3) _______ to build a very large palace out of ice!

On January 1, 1896, after only two months, the Leadville Ice Palace (4) _______. That morning, members of different sports clubs walked (5) _______ Leadville’s streets. Soon the whole town seemed to walk toward the Ice Palace.

For the next three months, Leadville celebrated at the Ice Palace. People of the town called it (6) _______ “Crystal Carnival”. There were different kinds of activities, such as (7) _______, parties and games. A dining hall was open all the time. Visitors came from as far away as Europe. In the spring of 1896, the Ice Palace (8) _______ melted (融化) away. No one knows what happened to the palace’s wooden frame (框架).

Today, (9) _______ you visit the small mountain town of Leadville on the first weekend of March, you won’t see the Ice Palace. However, you will (10) _______ people celebrating at a modern palace.

And in other places around the world, you can still find wonderful ice palaces or ice hotels. You can even spend the night in those hotels!


apart, join, write, feel, she

live, serious, miss, before, friend

My name is Matt Perry and I'm 14 years old. My family moved to Japan from Denver, Colorado, USA three years ago, and we have (1) ________ in Tokyo for the past two years. At first it was a real culture shock and I thought I'd never fit in. But now Tokyo (2) ________ just like home, and I will miss it when we go back to Denver next year.

My dad often works in other countries. In the past, Mom and I stayed in Denver, but we didn't want to be (3) ________ from my dad again, so this time we all moved. I had always thought that Japanese people were quite (4) ________, but they're really outgoing. When we first arrived, I (5) ________ a football club and I made lots of American, English and Japanese friends. I have been learning the language for three years now and my Japanese (6) ________ say I speak it pretty well. But I don't like writing Japanese because I always make mistakes in (7) ________ the characters (文字).

I miss my model cars and books in my Denver's home. I also miss basketball. It was my favorite sport (8) ________ we came to Japan. My mom misses (9) ________ garden because we don't live in a house, but an apartment. Anyway, we will be back in Denver next year and I'm sure we will (10) ________ so many things about Japan.



1. textbook 2. discovered 3. secret  4. grammar 5. conversation

6. wisely 7. create 8. review 9. knowledge 10. lifelong

11. speed 12. ability 13. discover 14. expression 15. increased

16. pronunciation  17. increased  18. partners  19. created  20. patients

21. expression 22. sentence 23. pronunciation 24. patient 25. repeat

26. physics 27. pronounce 28. to increase 29. active 30. partner

31. brains  



1. Repeat 2. pronunciation 3. increase 4. grammar 5. listening 6. partner


1. town   2. discussion  3. decided  4. opened   5. down            

6. their  7. competitions   8. slowly  9. if   10. see


1. lived 2. feels 3. apart 4. serious 5. joined

6. friends 7. writing 8. before 9. her 10. miss



1. —Have you ever learned English by watching videos? (作肯定回答)

—________, ________ ________.

2. It's bad for your eyes to read in bed. (改为同义句)

________ in bed ________ bad for your eyes.

3. Can you tell me how I can use the camera? (改为同义句)

Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ the camera?

4. Sandy studied hard in order to pass the math exam. (改为同义句)

Sandy studied hard ________ ________ she could pass the math exam.

5. 你练习得越多,进步就会越大。(完成译句)

________ ________ you practice, ________ ________ progress you will make.

6. My brother learns English by doing grammar exercises. (改为一般疑问句)

________ your brother ________ English by doing grammar exercises?

7. Judy learns new words by making word cards. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ Judy ________ new words?

8. Why don't you ask your teacher for help? (改为同义句)

________ ________ asking your teacher for help?

9. To take a walk after supper is necessary. (改为同义句)

________ necessary ________ ________ a walk after supper.


1. 今天下午史密斯先生将作报告。

Mr. Smith will ________ ________ ________ this afternoon.

2. One of the best ways to learn English well is to ________ ________ ________(记忆句型).

3. I ________ ________ ________(害怕) tell Tom the bad news.

4. How did you ________ ________ ________ ________(爱上) ping-pong and start practicing it?

5. 凯莉坚持每天早晨朗读。

Kelly keeps ________ ________ every morning.

6. 熟能生巧。为了学好英语,你需要大量的练习。

________ ________ ________. To learn English well,you need a lot of practice.

7. 昨天卡萝尔要求给她时间考虑一下那件事。

Yesterday Carol asked for time to ________ ________ it.

8. 劳拉天生具有跳舞的能力。

Laura ________ ________ ________ the ability to dance.

9. 老师讲解课文时,学生们认真地听着并且记着笔记。

The students listened carefully and ________ ________ when the teacher explained the text.

10. 你最好经常问问题。知识源于质疑。

You'd better often ask questions. ________ ________ ________ ________.

11. 张老师叫我注意拼写。

Mr. Zhang told me to ________ ________ ________ my spelling.

12. 如果你不能独立做这件事的话,你可以给我打电话。(on one's own)


13. 我很高兴我的英语正在一点一点地提高。(bit by bit)


14. 那个男孩反复地读了这个故事。(over and over again)


15. 这两种文化有很多相同之处。

The two cultures ________ a lot ________ ________.

16. —There is something wrong with my computer. Could you repair it for me, Mike?

—Oh, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(小菜一碟). I can make it in just 2 minutes.

17. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(用英语记日记) is a good way to improve your writing skills.

18. Please ________ ________ ________ ________(查这些单词) in the English-English dictionary.

19. 王老师是一个严肃的人,我害怕和他说话。

Mr. Wang is a serious man. I'm afraid ________ ________ with him.

20. 每天早晨曼迪通过朗读来练习发音。

Every morning Mandy practices pronunciation by ________ ________.

21. 有些人足够幸运,天生就有好的方向感。

Some people are lucky enough to _______________a good sense of direction.

22. 请注意他说话时的表情。

Please _______________ his expression when he is speaking.

23. 你为什么能把这个诚实的年轻人和罪犯联系在一起呢?

Why can you _______________ this honest young man _______________ the criminal?

24. 两年前,这个女孩爱上了摇滚乐。

The girl _______________ rock music two years ago.

25. 我认为从不犯错的人是不存在的。

I think a person who never _______________ doesn’t exist.

26. 你需要把你的打印机和电脑连接起来。

You need to ________ your printer ________ your computer.

27. 这条铁路把北京和上海连接了起来。

The railway ________ Beijing ________ Shanghai.

28. 我们不确定下周是否去宿营,这取决于天气情况。

We're not sure if we'll go camping next week. It ________ ________ the weather.

29. 明天上午苏珊将和我们分享她的学习习惯。

Susan will share her ________ ________ with us tomorrow morning.

30. 今天下午这些学生将有一个听力测试。(have a listening test)


31. Nick took his notebook out of his bag and began to ________ ________(记笔记).

32. 起初杰夫并不喜欢英语。

Jeff didn't like English ________ ________.

33. 我妹妹喜欢逐字阅读,所以她是个阅读速度慢的人。

My sister likes reading ________ ________ ________, so she is a very slow reader.

34. 萨拉加入了英语俱乐部来提高她的口语技能。

Sara joined an English club to improve her ________ ________.

35. Mandy would like a cup of coffee ________ ________(也).

36. 当我紧张的时候,我的爱好能帮助我放松。(be stressed out)




A: Hi, Wang Zixuan. Your English is so good. How do you learn it?

B: (1) ________ I read English books, newspapers and magazines when I have time.

A: (2) ________

B: Yes, of course. They help a lot.

A: (3) ________

B: Sure. I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time.

A: (4) ________

B: I often speak English online with my foreign friend.

A: Really? Where is your foreign friend?

B: She's in America. (5) ________

A. Do you have any dictionaries?

B. But I am good at reading.

C. How do you practice your spoken English?

D. She helps me a lot.

E. How often do you watch English movies?

F. Do you like watching English movies?

G. Reading a lot is a good way.


1. —How do you study English, Jenny?

—I study it ____________________(work with a group).

2. —Do you improve your writing skills ____________________(write e-mails to your pen pals)?

—Yes, I do. It really helps a lot.

3. —Luke, how can I read faster?

—You can read faster ____________________(read word groups).

4. —How can I improve my listening skills?

—One way is __________________________(watch English films).


A: I failed two subjects this term. I’m so sad!

B: (1) ______ It might be because you haven’t found the best way to learn them.

A: That’s what I expect you to help me with. (2) ______

B: I really don’t know. I can only tell you what I usually do.

A: What do you usually do?

B: (3) ______ I’ve developed the habit of previewing and reviewing my lessons before and after class. So I know what we are going to learn before class and I know what the key points of a lesson are after class.

A: (4) ______ But I sometimes can’t take down the key points of the teacher’s lesson.

B: Sometimes I have that problem too, but I improve it by checking my notes with other classmates after class.

A: That sounds wonderful! May I check my notes with yours after class?

B: Why not? (5) ______

A: Excellent! Thank you very much.

A. That’s a good piece of advice.

B. How do you know about that?

C. We should help each other and learn from each other!

D. Don’t worry about it.

E. That sounds difficult.

F. Well, I listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class.

G. What do you think I should do now?


A: Can you tell me how you learn English?

B: Sure. Well, the best way is to practice. I try my best to practice (1) __________ English during or after class.

A: I guess you often have (2) __________ with friends in English, don't you?

B: Yes, I do. It really improves my speaking skills.

A: How do you learn new words?

B: I make (3) __________. I've learned a lot that way.

A: How do you improve your (4) __________?

B: I read English stories, magazines and newspapers in my spare time.

A: Well, what do you want to be when you grow up?

B: I want to be a(n) (5) __________. You know, I like English and I like children.

A: I hope your dream can come true.

B: Thank you.



1. Yes; I have

2. Reading; is

3. how to use

4. so that

5. The more; the greater

6. Does; learn

7. How does; learn  

8. What / How about

9. It's; to take


1. give a report

2. memorize sentence patterns

3. am afraid to

4. fall in love with

5. reading aloud

6. Practice makes perfect  

7. think about

8. was born with

9. took notes

10. Knowledge comes from questioning

11. pay attention to

12. If you can't do this on your own, you can call me.

13. I'm happy that my English is improving bit by bit.

14. The boy read the story over and over again.

15. have; in common

16. it's a piece of cake  

17. Keeping a diary in English

18. look these words up / look up these words

19. to talk / of talking  

20. reading aloud

21. be born with     

22. pay attention to

23. connect; with   

24. fell in love with

25. makes a mistake / mistakes

26. connect; with

27. connects; with  

28. depends on

29. learning habits

30. These students are going to have a listening test this afternoon.

31. take notes

32. at first

33. word by word  

34. speaking skills

35. as well

36. When I am stressed out, my hobbies can help me (to) relax.



(2)1. by working with a group

2. by writing e-mails to your pen pals

3. by reading word groups

4. by watching English films


(4)1. speaking / spoken

2. conversations  

3. word cards

4. reading skills

5. English teacher
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