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外研版英语七年级下册Module 5 Unit 2教案教学设计免费下载

发表于 2021-3-16 20:05:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 5 Shopping
Unit 2 You can buy everything on theInternet.
1) 掌握本单元所学单词和词组:anyone,pay for, post, safe, shopping, way, one of, almost, open, later, go out, over,one day, one...
2)  能够读懂关于不同方式购物的文章。
Step1 Warming-up and lead in
1. Free talk:
T: I likelistening to music when I use my computer, what about you? What do you usuallydo with your computer?
Ask the studentsto talk about what they usually do with their computer.
2. Lead in
Sometimes, Ialso buy something on the Internet. Do you? Do you like online shopping ? Whyor why not?
Ask the studentsto show their opinions of online shopping.
Step2 Lear n new words
1. Show somepictures.
2. Talksomething about the pictures.
3. Introduce newwords.
4. Read thewords after the teacher.
Step3 Work in pairs.
1. Ask thestudents to read the words in Activity 1.
2. Look at thetitle of the passage.
3. Think aboutthe questions about online shopping.
1) What can youbuy?
2) How do youpay for it?
3) How is itchanging our lives?
4) Is it good orbad?
4. Check youranswers with a partner.
5. Call back theanswer from the whole class and check the answer.
Step4 Reading
1. Play therecording and listen to the tape carefully.
2. Ask thestudents to read through the passage.
3. Read thepassage and check (√ ) the true sentences.
1) Online shoppingis a new way of shopping.
2) You pay foronline shopping before you receive it.
3) Onlineshopping is very difficult.
4) It’s verysafe to shop over the Internet.
5) Our way oflife is changing because of online shopping.
4. Check youranswers with a partner.
5. Call back theanswers from the whole class.
Step5 Complete the passage.
1. Ask thestudents to the words in the box in Activity 3.
later  out  pay  receive
2. Ask thestudents to read through the passage in Activity 3.
3. Complete thepassage with the words from the box.
4. Check youranswers with a partner.
5. Call back theanswers from the whole class.
Step6 Work in pairs
1. Ask thestudents to complete the table in Activity 4.
2. Check youranswers with a partner.
3. Call back theanswers from the whole class.
Step7 Language Points
1. anything
   anything 作代词,其常见用法有:
e.g. You can buyanything you like. 你可以买你喜欢的任何事物。
e.g. Is thereanything in that box? 盒子里有什么东西吗?
e.g. I don’tknow anything about it. 我不知道任何事情。
   everything作代词,意为每样事物、每件事、所有事物not …anything 表示全部否定,not…everything表示部分否定。
I don’t have________ to tell you. That’s over (结束).
A.   something    B. anything       C. nothing        D. everything
key: B
2. receive
receive作动词,意为收到、接到(信件、礼物、电话等),后面可直接跟名词。常用句型:receivesth. (from sb.)
e.g. You willreceive a letter from Jenny.  你将收到Jenny的来信。
三天后你会收到礼物。You will receivethe present in three days.
3. safe
safe 作形容词,意为安全的,常用作定语、表语,其反义词是dangerous,意为危险的
e.g. It’sdangerous to play football in the street.
= It’s not safeto play football in the street. 在街上踢足球是危险的。
Don’t swim inthe river. It’s not s_____. safe
Step8 Exercises
1.网购  __________________  2.几乎所有的东西__________________
3.在网上__________________ 4.选择一些东西 __________________
5.支付__________________   6.几天  __________________
7.通过邮递__________________      8.几个缺点__________________
9.在任何时候__________________    10.花费一些时间__________________
11.对比……的价格  _________________12.同样的产品__________________
13.花钱__________________         14.节约钱__________________
15.喜欢外出__________________     16.试穿衣服__________________
17.网上支付__________________     18.改变生活方式__________________
19.不再__________________         20.能够__________________
1. onlineshopping   2. almost everything  3. on the Internet  4. choose something
5. pay for          6. a few days       7. by post     8.several disadvantages
9. at anytime  10. take a lot of time 11. comparethe prices of  12. the same product
13. spend alot    14.save money     15.like going out    16. try the clothes on
17. pay over theInternet    18. change one’s way oflife      19. not… any more
20. be able to
1. 网购是一种新的购物方式。
_________________ is a new way shopping.
2. 很容易在网上买到几乎所有的东西。
It’s very easy to __________________ on theInternet.
3. 你可以对比同一产品的价格。
You _______________ the prices of the same product.
4. 网上支付不总是安全的。
__________over the Internet isn’t always __________.
5. 你可以在世界上的任何地方收到它。
You will ________________ it anywhere in the world.
6. 你在买这件上衣之前应该试穿。
You should _____________ the coat before buying it.
1. Onlineshopping  2. buy almost everything   3. can compare
4. Paying;safe     5. be able to receive       6. try on
Step9 Homework
Writing aparagraph about shopping at a supermarket.
Begin like this:Supermarket shopping is not difficult. First, you choose the things on yourshopping list…
List theadvantages and the disadvantages.
Finish likethis: Shopping at a supermarket is fun.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-3-16 20:07:32 | 只看该作者
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