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外研版英语初中八年级下册Module 2 Unit 1 精品教案免费下载

发表于 2021-4-1 19:34:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Unit 1 I’ve also entered lots of speakingcompetition.
1. 掌握词汇:ever,enter, competition, prize, dream, afford, pity, invite
2. 掌握现在完成时的定义和结构。
3. 能听懂和阅读关于介绍经历的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的经历;能初步运用现在完成时,并写出相关的句子和短文。
Step 1Lead-in: Warming up
1. Students watch the video and answer“What’s this video about?”
2. Students look the pictures and answerthe questions.
3. Look and say. The teacher shows thepictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.
Step 2The students can learn by themselves, and ask some questions about the study.
A1 Listen and number the words as youhear them.
1. Look at the words first.
2. Then listen to the tape and numberthe words.
A2 Listen again and choose the correctanswer.
1. Look at the three sentencescarefully.
2. Listen to the tape again and choosethe correct answer.
Step 3The students can learn the main point with the help of the teacher, and solvethe problems.
A3 Reading
Listen and read, then answer the twoquestions:
1. What is Lingling entering?
2. Who is going to enter the writingcompetition?
A4 Work in pair.
  1. Work in group. Make a competition to find who can find out the mostsentences which are the present perfect tense.
2. Read Part 3 and check what Lingingand Tony have or have not done.
3. Work in pairs. Ask an answerquestions about what Linging and Tony have or have not done.
A5 Everyday English
  Master the main sentences in the passage.
A6 Language points
  Students should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. Ifpossible, let the students to say at first.
1. I am entering a competition.
e.g. Several of the world’s finest runnershave entered the race.
  The thieves entered the building by the back door.  
2. The first prize isMydream holiday. 一等奖是“我的梦想假期”。
dream n. 梦;梦想(只用于名词前)梦寐以求的
dreamed,dreamed/dreamt, dreamt v.做梦,梦到,梦想
e.g. I had a strange dream last night. 我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦。
  I dreamt I was flying to the moon at this time of yesterday.
3. Have you ever won any prizesbefore?  你以前曾经得过奖吗?
  have/hassb. ever + 过去分词”,用于询问某人过去的经历。
e.g.—Have you ever been to Paris?
    —No,never. / Yes, I have.
   —你去过巴黎吗?没有/ 去过。
4. But I can’t afford it. 但是我付不起。
  常与can,could, able to 连用,多用于否定句和疑问句中。此外,它还常用于“affordto do sth.”结构中。
e.g.I just can’t afford the time. 我花不起这个时间。
    Can you afford a new car? 你能买得起新的汽车吗?
Theycan’t afford to send their children to college. 他们没钱送他们的 孩子去学校。
5. I’ve stopped trying now. 我已经不再尝试了。
stopdoing sth. 表示“停止正在做的事情”
stopto do sth. 表示“停下正在做的事去做另件事”
e.g. The two girls stopped talking whenthey saw me. 那两个女孩一见到我就停止了讲话。
The twogirls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.
6. You can make it up. 你可以编(一个故事)。
   make up 表示“编造;组成”。
e.g.  The whole story is made up.  整个故事是虚构出来的。
7. I will invite you to come with me. 我将邀请你和我一起来。
invite sb. to do sth.  表示“邀请某人去做某事”。
e.g. Jane invited me to go fishing lastweek.  简上周邀请我去钓鱼了。
A7 Complete the sentences with thecorrect form of the words in the box.
Let the Students complete the sentenceswith the words in the box and then check with each other.
A8 Read and predict which words thespeaker is likely to stress.
1. Students read and predict which wordsthe speaker is likely to stress.
2. Now listen and check if it is right.
3. Work in pairs. Read the conversationsaloud.
Have you ever wanted to travel aroundthe world?
Yes, I have. I’ve always wanted totravel around the world.
Have you ever visited New York?
No, I haven’t. I’ve never visited theUS.
Have you ever entered a competition?
No, I haven’t. I haven’t entered anycompetitions.
A9 Ask and answer.
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions aboutyourself.
Have you ever visited…?
Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. I’ve…
Step 4 Effectivepractice, consolidate the knowledge
A10 Exercises
1. visit _______     2. ask ______
3. travel _______   4. enter _______
5. help _______     6. win _____
7. want _______     8. stop _______
9. think _______     10. hope ______
11. invite _______    12. call _______
1. Linging ______ written a story aboutthe competition.
   A. have          B. has             C. is     
2. I have ______ lots of speakingcompetitions, but I lost.
   A. helped       B. stopped      C. entered
3. I want to buy a new bike, but I can’t_____ it.
A. afford           B. travel           C. dream
4. Li Ming joined the writingcompetition and won the _______ prize.
A. one              B. first              C. two   
Step 5Summary evaluation, leak turnover
Betty went to the park yesterday. (强调去公园的动作发生在昨天)
Betty has been to the park before. (强调不仅去过公园,而且了解公园的状况)
have/has + 动词的过去分词
I’ve always wanted to go on a dreamholiday.
句中的谓语结构为:have wanted
Lingling has visited the US.
句中的谓语结构为:has visited
1. 动词一般在词尾加“-ed”。
   e.g. work workedworked
2. 以“e”结尾的动词,词尾加“-d”。
   e.g. live lived lived
3. 以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的动词,将“y”变为“i”,再加“-ed”。
   e.g. study studied studied   
           cry cried cried
4. 以重 读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“-ed”。
   e.g. stop stopped stopped
         drop dropp ed dropped
1. Copy the new words and expressions.
2. Recite the text of the unit 1.
3. Finish the workbook.
4. Recite the notes and exercise points.

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-4-1 19:36:56 | 只看该作者
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